Tempo Blog (what happened to Thursday edition)

What happened?!?  It’s Friday (awesome!) already, and I have no idea what happened to my week.  Sometimes;  work + kids + life = Help!  This was one of those weeks.  So I am dusting off a favorite quote to get some focus back.

“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take  your eyes off your goal.”
Henry  Ford

I hit the road yesterday under overcast and rainy skies.  I checked my Nike + stats and see I have not run in the rain since June!  I don’t actively avoid the rain (I actually like it) so that gives you an idea what the weather has been in MN these past months.

One of my favorite things about running is all the awesome gear you purchase.  A run in the rain meant breaking out my trusty Brooks running jacket, my “mudder” shoes and running hat.  Maybe I am the only one that gets excited by purchasing or using my running gear?  I bet not though.

Evelinruns put out a call for others to post their top 3 running songs on her blog (check it out: http://evelinruns.wordpress.com/2012/10/17/top-3-runningworkout-songs-1/) so I am posting mine.  I am not hip with the kids anymore so I usually find music by word of mouth any suggestions no matter the style are welcomed here.

The current three songs that give me some extra pep on my run:

“The Sky” (Club Mix) – Mat Zo.  Techno dance track probably not for everybody.  Best at volumes that are not safe for human ears.

“Rain” – Bloodgroup.  Chill music that is great for starting out slowly or refocusing after a whole bunch of up tempo beats.

“Regret” – New Order.  Going back to the early 90’s here.  This was the first song that came on during my run yesterday and I forgot how much I like this one.  It got put right at the top of the playlist for Sunday.

So what are you listening to?